Onesimus Village

Onesimus Village hopes to be a hub where the needy, physically, intellectually or socially disadvantaged residents, including the youths, can be engaged in meaningful activities. At the same time, it wants to be a place where residents can seek comfort feel at ease with the volunteers. Volunteers from Salem Chapel put together their time and professional expertise to realise this initiative.

Onesimus Café
This café is managed by volunteers and kind sponsors to allow the residents to drop by the Café for a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Residents who can afford may Pay Forward for the next cup of coffee for a needy stranger.

The Café can also serve as a Training ground for residents who want to become a Barista.

Onesimus Community Farm
Community Farming is to create a sense of belonging for resident volunteers to take care of the farm as their own and be proud of it. This explains the no-barriers farm set-up. Herbs and vegetables are gown and volunteers tend to it; from sowing the seeds to weeding and watering and harvesting the crops.

Residents living around the community farm has grown to love the farm and the therapeutic environment.

If you are keen to help at the farm, please contact us at 6457 7379.